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Unlock the Secrets of Beauty-From-Within

In the ever-evolving world of beauty and wellness, the concept of beauty-from-within is gaining unprecedented momentum. Let’s look at the latest trends in nutricosmetics and market insights that are shaping the future of beauty and health.

The global women’s health and beauty supplement market reached $53.4 billion in 2022 with expectations to reach almost $80 billion by 2030. Nutricosmetics, where nutrition meets cosmetics, is revolutionizing the way we approach beauty that focuses on enhancing beauty from the inside out, using dietary supplements and functional foods to support and improve skin, hair, and overall appearance. The rising demand for natural and effective solutions, shifts the focus towards ingredients that support internal health, ultimately reflecting on the outside.

Trending Ingredients

Celery: Nature’s Beauty Elixir

Celery powder is not just a versatile ingredient; it’s a powerhouse of nutrients that can transform your beauty regimen. 

  • Hydration Boost: Rich in water content, celery powder helps keep your skin hydrated and glowing.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Celery powder is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce skin irritation and blemishes.
  • Digestive Health: By promoting healthy digestion, celery powder supports a clear and radiant complexion.
  • Nutrient Density: Celery powder is concentrated with essential vitamins and minerals that nourish the body and enhance skin health.

Synbiotics: Your Gut’s Best Friends

The dynamic duo of probiotics and prebiotics is revolutionizing the beauty industry. These beneficial bacteria and their fibrous partners are not only good for your gut but also for your skin.

  • Nutrient Absorption: Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that nourish the good bacteria in your gut. They’ve been linked to improved intestinal absorption of nutrients, leading to a clearer, healthier complexion.
  • Healthy Gut Flora: Probiotics are the live beneficial bacteria that balance the gut microbiome, reducing inflammation and enhancing skin barrier function. Regular intake can lead to fewer breakouts and a more even skin tone.
  • Blood Sugar Control: A healthy gut microbiota can help regulate blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity and a robust immune system.

Collagen Peptides: From Head to Toe

Known for improving skin and nails, collagen peptides are a staple in many nutricosmetics. While most commonly sourced from bovine and other animals, continued innovation in collagen supplements has expanded to plant-based sources, including marine collagen and bioactive peptides.

Riding the wave of change, the beauty landscape is shifting with a growing demand for products that not only enhance appearance but also contribute to overall well-being. Customers are seeking holistic solutions that align with their lifestyle and values, reflecting a deeper understanding of the connection between nutrition and beauty.6

Market Insights

The beauty-from-within segment of the nutraceutical/dietary supplement industry has seen several significant evolutions in recent years that will continue to be a priority for brands, manufacturers, and consumers.

Personalized Nutrition

  • DNA-Based Supplements: Companies are increasingly offering supplements tailored to individual genetic profiles, providing personalized solutions for skin health, aging, and overall wellness.
  • Microbiome Testing: By analyzing gut microbiome data, personalized probiotic and prebiotic supplements are being developed to enhance skin health and overall beauty.

Advanced & Innovative Delivery Systems

  • Nanotechnology: Enhanced bioavailability and targeted delivery of active ingredients are being achieved through nanotechnology, ensuring more effective results.
  • Encapsulation Techniques: Liposomal and other encapsulation methods protect active ingredients and improve absorption.
  • Convenient Formats: Innovations in delivery formats such as gummies, powders, drinks, and sachets are making it easier for consumers to integrate beauty supplements into their daily routines.
  • Functional Foods: Integration of beauty-boosting ingredients into everyday foods and beverages is on the rise, blurring the lines between supplements and regular diet.

Clean Label & Natural Ingredients

  • Plant-Based Ingredients: There’s a shift towards using plant-based and natural ingredients, such as botanical extracts and superfoods, which appeal to health-conscious consumers.
  • Transparency: Consumers are demanding more transparency regarding ingredient sourcing, production methods, and overall product safety.
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging: The industry is moving towards sustainable packaging solutions, reducing plastic use, and increasing recyclability.
  • Ethical Sourcing: Focus on ethically sourced ingredients and fair trade practices is becoming a significant selling point.

Scientific Backing and Clinical Studies

  • Comprehensive Formulas: Supplements that offer multiple benefits, such as combining vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and probiotics in a single product, are becoming more popular.
  • Evidence-Based Claims: Increasing reliance on clinical studies and scientific research to substantiate product claims and efficacy.
  • Collaborations with Research Institutions: Partnerships with universities and research institutions to develop and validate new products.

A New Era of Weight Loss

From the rise of new medications to the decline of traditional supplements, the landscape of weight management is evolving rapidly. As weight loss methods shift, nutraceuticals are becoming more important in supporting weight loss with different categories looking to fill the nutrition gaps.

The global women’s health and beauty supplement market reached $53.4 billion in 2022 with expectations to reach almost $80 billion by 2030. Nutricosmetics, where nutrition meets cosmetics, is revolutionizing the way we approach beauty that focuses on enhancing beauty from the inside out, using dietary supplements and functional foods to support and improve skin, hair, and overall appearance. The rising demand for natural and effective solutions, shifts the focus towards ingredients that support internal health, ultimately reflecting on the outside.

The Decline of Weight Loss Supplements

About 42% of U.S. adults age 20 and older were considered obese between 2017 and 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)1. For years, weight loss supplements dominated the market, promising quick fixes and miraculous results. While weight loss is still a focus of many consumers, recent reports show a decline in sales of weight management supplements. In fact, sales have declined over the past three years according to market research firm SPINS. For the 4 weeks ending November 3, 2023, sales of weight loss supplements totaled at $32.8M, the lowest it has been for any 4-week period over the past three years.

Many are now skeptical about the efficacy and safety of weight loss supplements, leading to a search for more reliable and scientifically backed options. Alternative ways to control and manage weight range from diets such as Keto and veganism to medications like Ozempic.

The Rise of Weight Loss Medications

Enter the new era of weight loss medications. Drugs like Ozempic, originally designed for managing type 2 diabetes, have gained attention for their potential weight loss side effects. Alongside other medications such as Wegovy and Zepbound, these options are becoming more widely prescribed and recognized for their effectiveness in aiding significant weight reduction.

Montreal, CA - 16 November 2023: Ozempic semaglutide injection pens and box.
Montreal, CA – 16 November 2023: Ozempic semaglutide injection pens and box.

Ozempic was approved in 2017 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in adults with type 2 diabete. However, it has garnered most of its attention in the weight loss arena. The active ingredient in Ozempic, semaglutide, does work for weight loss, according to research. By mimicking the effects of a hormone called GLP-1, semaglutide helps regulate appetite and food intake, leading to substantial weight loss in many users. While Ozempic is not approved for weight loss, semaglutide is approved for weight loss under the name Wegovy, which has a higher dose of semaglutide than Ozempic. Wegovy is a once-weekly injection approved by the FDA in 2021 for chronic weight management. It’s the first drug approved for this purpose since 2014.
As of July 2023, there are reports of a drug shortage involving Ozempic and Wegovy. When people use Ozempic off-label for weight loss, type 2 diabetes patients who rely on Ozempic may struggle to find this medication.

Supplements Can “Fill the Gaps”

While medications like Ozempic are transforming weight loss strategies, it is predicted that consumers will opt for supplements to satisfy proper nutrient intake when dealing with appetite loss. A report from SPINS predicts that spending habits may shift to supplement categories that ensure they are getting the daily nutrients they need.

SPINS: 2024 Trends Predictions

Nutraceuticals and nutrition supplements, collectively referred to as dietary supplements, are intended to add to or supplement the diet and are different from conventional food. According to the latest Nutrition Business Journal, vitamins and Specialty Supplements are the two largest supplement categories, making up over 40% of the $64.28 billion supplement industry market.

In the age of social media, viral videos on these platforms have been able to influence sales. For example, Berberine supplements went viral on TikTok and other platforms after being dubbed as “Nature’s Ozempic.” It proposes similar benefits to Ozempic including claims to help lower blood sugar and aid in weight loss. At its peak, the hype translated into increased sales by 40% compared to the 4-week period prior according to a recent SPINS report.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of weight loss, it is clear that the industry is shifting away from traditional weight loss supplements. With their decline and the rise of medications, alongside the growing popularity of nutraceuticals, individuals have more options than ever to support their health and wellness goals.

The Commotion with Colostrum

The trend surrounding colostrum in recent years primarily revolves around its potential health benefits for adults, particularly athletes and individuals interested in optimizing their health and performance. While colostrum has long been recognized for its importance in newborn nutrition and immune support, interest in its potential benefits for adults has grown.

What is colostrum?

Colostrum, also known as “first milk” or “mother’s milk,” is a milky fluid that is produced by mammals, including humans, in the late stages of pregnancy and shortly after giving birth. Rich in nutrients, antibodies, and growth factors, colostrum plays a crucial role in providing essential nutrients and immune protection to newborns, helping to kickstart their immune system and support healthy growth and development.

What are some key benefits?

While colostrum has long been recognized for its importance in newborn nutrition and immune support, it has recently gained attention for its potential health benefits for adults, including:

Gut Health
Colostrum contains probiotics and prebiotics that support a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. Colostrum has also been studied for its potential to support digestive health, including its ability to soothe and repair the intestinal lining, alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, and promote overall gut health.
Athletic Performance
Colostrum is believed to contain bioactive compounds, such as growth factors and immunoglobulins, that may support athletic performance by promoting muscle growth, enhancing recovery, and reducing exercise-induced inflammation.
Immune Support
Colostrum is rich in antibodies and immune-boosting factors, which may help strengthen the body’s defenses against infections and illnesses, particularly during periods of intense training or stress
Some proponents suggest that colostrum’s nutrient-rich composition and growth factors may have anti-aging effects, promoting skin health, collagen production, and overall vitality.
Natural Nutrition
Colostrum is considered a natural source of nutrients and bioactive compounds, making it an appealing alternative to synthetic supplements for those seeking natural ways to support their health and well-being.

How can I compete with all these new products?

Several ingredients can complement colostrum in a supplement formulation, enhancing its potential benefits for various health goals and creating differentiation in the market.

When formulating a colostrum supplement, it’s essential to consider the specific health goals and target audience to determine which complementary ingredients would be most beneficial. Additionally, ensuring the quality and purity of all ingredients is crucial to the effectiveness and safety of the supplement.

Delivering A Powerful Gut-Boosting Trifecta

Try Kocha Bucha™ in your next colostrum formulation for the ultimate boost. Kocha Bucha™ is a fortified fermented kombucha powder made using black tea and scoby. It is designed to support the gut microbiome and digestive health without the restraints of traditional kombucha.

Kocha Bucha Fermented Kombucha Powder

Breathe Easy This Spring with These Immune-Boosting Ingredients

With the changing seasons, many find themselves battling seasonal allergies. Allergies are immune system reactions to substances that are usually harmless. When someone with allergies encounters an allergen, their immune system overreacts, producing antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE) that trigger the release of chemicals like histamine. This release causes symptoms such as sneezing, itching, runny nose, watery eyes, or in severe cases, difficulty breathing or anaphylaxis.

Several dietary supplements may potentially help alleviate allergy symptoms or support the immune system in managing allergic reactions. Here’s a list of some ingredients commonly found in dietary supplements that are thought to have these effects:

BONUS: Local Honey

While not a supplement per se, consuming local honey may relieve seasonal allergies by exposing the body to small amounts of pollen, helping to build immunity over time.